PaddyKing Thai Jasmine Rice

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Was: $3.90
Now: $3.10

Product Overview

  • Harvested in North-Eastern region of Thailand, reputed for producing premium quality rice grains
  • Long, slender kernels and rice stay separated, firm and fluffy when cooked
  • Smooth and tender rice texture that gives off a subtle jasmine scented aroma
  • 1 cup rice to 1 cup water for cooking with rice cooker
  • Ideal for all types of cuisine or delicious enough to eat it plain

Available in 1KG, 2.5KG, 5KG, 10KG and 25KG


Cooking Directions:

The use of rice cooker is highly recommended as it produces consistently good texture rice:

(1) Rinse PaddyKing Thai Hom Mali Jasmine Rice once to remove any excess starch left on each grain after the milling process.

(2) Water ratio will be one cup of water to every cup of rice. However, you may add more water for a softer textured rice while lesser water for firmer grains to suit your preference.

(3) Always allow the cooked rice to simmer for 10 minutes before serving to complete the whole cooking process.


(1) Always store PaddyKing Thai Hom Mali Jasmine Rice in a cool, dry place and preferably in an airtight container once the rice pack is opened.

(2) To keep weevils away, put garlic cloves (do not de-skin) into the rice container/bag.

(3) Alternatively, storing it in refrigerator condition can also lengthen the life span of the rice.


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