Waiz New Zealand Spring Water

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Was: $25.50
Now: $24.23

Product Overview

Pure Natural
No Artificial Alterations or Additives
Every drop of Waiz water has been through almost a century of refinement through natural filters within the earth.

Taste Waiz, taste nature.

Mamaku Range
As rain falls on the native rainforests in the Mamakau - Kaimai ranges in North New Zealand, the rain water gets absorbed into the earth, where it travels through multiple layers of volcanic rock that doubles as natural filters. The water is filtered and accumulated as an underground aquifer before making its way back to the surface as Blue Spring water. This whole journey takes 50 to 100 years.

11 °C
The Blue Spring has a temperature that remains close to 11 degree Celsius all year and flows at 42 cubic metres per minute.

Pure Goodness
Just as Mother Earth intended.
Waiz water has minerals that are full of health benefits for you and your family.

Drink better, feel healthier.

Mineral Content (mg/L)
pH 7.0
Calcium (Ca2+) 2.7
Magnesium (Mg2+) 1.63
Potassium (K+) 4.3
Sodium (Na-) 9.1
Silica (SiO2) 68
Total Dissolved solids 117


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