Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil

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Product Overview

This oil is excellent for cooking with high heat because it has a high smoke point from its stable saturated fat structure. Cooking with this oil makes every dish tastes better, crispier & healthier and does not become a source of Trans Fat. It contains mostly MCFAs & Lauric Acid,which makes it easier to digest and converts to energy because of its smaller molecular structure.

Agrilife Organic Coconut Cooking Oil is:

  • Certified Organic
  • High Smoke Point
  • Contains Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA)
  • Contains Lauric Acid
  • Dish becomes crispy & healthy
  • No Trans Fats
  • Easily digested & improves metabolism
  • Economical

*Tip To remove the coconut smell from the oil when cooking, medium heat the oil first with any herb or spices of your choice & turn off when satisfied.


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